Gingerbread Man Activities to make Learning Fun!

Free Gingerbread man activities, and printables for primary students. Ideas include gingerbread man literacy activities, crafts, gingerbread man books, and how to build a gingerbread house.

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”  Or so they say! ?

Are you a lover of the holidays or does it stress you out to think about them?  I love all the traditions, excitement and anticipation, but all the extra activities and festivities can wear anyone down.    

In hopes of taking a little off your plate this holiday season, I’m sharing a series of holiday round-up posts where I gather engaging videos, games, crafts and activities you and your students can use to celebrate the holidays. 

Last month I shared a round-up focused on Thanksgiving. I hope it was helpful! I’d love to hear what you did with your students and how it all turned out! 

When it comes to December, it seems there are even more activities to choose from!

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To help save you time, I searched the web and hand-picked the best GINGERBREAD activities to keep you and your students engaged and having fun this December! 

Let’s take a look at what I found…

Gingerbread Man Videos

The Gingerbread Man is the perfect video to accompany your gingerbread activities. This video also includes the story text for students to read along!

Gingerbread Man Song Kids will love this catchy Gingerbread Man song and creative images that accompany it! 

Gingerbread Motor Skills Activities 

Gingerbread Man Gross Motor Activity  In this activity the classic story of The Gingerbread Man is turned into a fun and interactive gross motor activity that combines movement and literacy! Kids It also makes a great indoor recess activity for the winter.  

Gingerbread Playdough  This stuff looks (and smells!) like the real-deal.  Include some cute cookie cutters and your students will love making their own holiday “cookies”! An engaging way for little learners to develop their fine motor skills.

Gingerbread Man Picture Books

Gingerbread man picture books easily lend themselves to addressing a large number of reading standards. They are ideal for comparing and analyzing story elements: character, setting, problem, and solution.

In addition, readers can identify character traits and discuss how they change throughout the story.  Finally, it is fun to compare and contrast how the different characters respond to the same problem. 

These are my favorite Gingerbread Man texts: 

The Gingerbread Man is the classic story that children have enjoyed for years and years! 

Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett tells the original story of the Gingerbread Man but features a beautiful lift-the-flap gingerbread house at the end!

Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell Ernst tells the story of the Gingerbread Boy’s smarter sister, the Gingerbread Girl!  Your students will love comparing and contrasting her adventures to her brother’s! 

The Gingerbread Cowboy by Janet Squires retells the classic tale with a Wild Western flair, filled with rodeo-romping fun! 

The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School by Laura Murray tells the story with a silly twist… instead of being chased, this Gingerbread Man is chasing the students who made him!  Their adventures take them all around the school!

More Gingerbread Man Activities

Here is a FREE Gingerbread Story Elements activity to accompany the read alouds.  It includes three different levels to meet the needs of all your students and could be used with any of the stories above!   

free gingerbread man story elements activity

After reading all the different versions of the Gingerbread Man let your students pick one to summarize and review using this FREE Gingerbread one sentence summary activity.  These summaries would make a great bulletin board or door display!  

free gingerbread man summary activity

Looking for a SCIENCE activity for December??? I’ve got you covered here, too…. In this Gingerbread Man Science Activity students explore a simple science concept with a dissolving gingerbread cookie.  It’s great for introducing the scientific method because they will also make predictions, record data and share their results!

free gingerbread man science

Finally, I want to share with you my very own writing and craft Gingerbread Activity!  It’s been a favorite in my classroom for many years and is the perfect extension activity to go along with the story Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett.

The single resource has everything you need to allow students to create and decorate their very own 3-D gingerbread house and gingerbread boy or girl!  (No more milk carton, frosting, graham cracker, candy messes to deal with!)

gingerbread house craft writing prompts

In addition to the craft, there are several writing prompts including: 

  • How to Catch a Gingerbread
  • If I Were a Gingerbread
  • If I Caught a Gingerbread
  • If My Gingerbread Came to Life
  • My Gingerbread House
gingerbread man writing prompts

Each prompt can be printed on primary or lined paper, you choose the option that best fits the needs of your students!

JUST UPDATED!! Now students can build their Gingerbread house digitally! Students will drag and drop pieces to decorate their gingerbread house and gingerbread. Then they can also write their story to match. These digital files have been uploaded to Google Slides and Seesaw, it’s literally a no prep resource for you!

I promise you it’s an engaging, memorable, and easy-to-prep (and clean up!) holiday activity that your students will remember for years to come!  Keep it simple and grab one for yourself below!

I hope the resources I’ve shared above will help make the load of the coming weeks a bit lighter for you, and that in the month of December, you’ll find ways to simplify, take notice of, and enjoy the memories you will make with your students, friends and family!  

Keep your eyes out for one final round-up post where I’ll share New Year’s Activities to help start the new year off right!


gingerbread house activity
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