Discover classroom tested strategies that are effective helping students enjoy the writing process.
Hello Friend!
Are your students reluctant to write?
Do they struggle to get started because they don’t know what to write?
Are your students unable to sustain a level of independence at a writing center?
Do they make writing progress with a scaffold of support?
If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, I have some proven, effective strategies for you that you can implement in your classroom tomorrow!
I promise, your kids will also BEG you to write too!
If you are like me, you are a visual learner, that is why I created this video (not fancy, #nojudging #keepingitreal) to share some strategies that have helped my students for over 20 years!
Take a few minutes to watch, I guarantee you will be glad you did!
Here are the links from the video:
Learning to Sequence Picture Cards
(this is an affiliate link for your convenience, read my full disclosure)
FREE How to Make a Pizza Sequence Story
Sequence Stories Writing Bundle