More About This Resource
This Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade dictation practice resource is aligned with the Science of Reading and includes 92 weeks of dictation activities that follow my research-based Scope and Sequence.
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Dictation is guided spelling practice. It is a systematic way for you to connect the skills you teach in reading to student writing. Dictation practice offers students an engaging way to accelerate their writing and spelling skills, with your guidance and corrective feedback to support them. Dictation activities should be fairly quick and completed at least twice per week as a way for teachers to model how to use new phonics skills in writing.
This resource of 92 weeks of dictation practice activities. Each week includes 2 teacher guides that highlight the week’s focus skill. Review of previously learned phonics skills is also built into each week. In addition, students get practice with heart words (irregularly spelled high-frequency words) in the sentence portion.
A lesson outline for teacher guidance and a sample lesson are also included. There are 7 versions of student dictation recording sheets. Dictation lessons will increase in difficulty as the year progresses.
Included in this resource:
- 10+ pages of Lesson Outline & Sample Lesson for teacher reference
- 184 Dictation Teacher Guides (2 per phonics skill)
- 7 options for differentiated Student Recording Sheets
Kindergarten Phonics Skills Included:
- Letters: Mm, short a, Ss, Pp, Tt, short i, Nn Bb, Cc, Short o, Ff, Hh, Dd, Rr, Gg, Short e, Ll, Short u, Kk, Ww, Jj, Xx, Vv, Qu, Yy, Zz
- CVC: short a, short i, short o, short e, short u, short vowel review
- Blends: l blends, s blends, r blends, final blends, blends review
- Digraphs: digraph ch, digraph sh, digraph th (voiced & voiceless), digraph wh, digraph ng
- open syllable e, i, o (ex. hi, be)
- final e: a_e, o_e, i_e
1st Grade Phonics Skills Included:
- CVC: short a, short i, short o, short e, short u, short vowel review
- Blends: l blends, s blends, r blends, final blends, 3 letter blends, blends review
- Digraphs: digraph ch & tch, digraph sh, digraph th (voiced & voiceless), digraph wh, digraph ng
- final e: a_e, o_e, i_e, u_e, e_e
- open syllable e, i, o (ex. hi, be)
- Vowel teams: long vowel a (ai, ay), long vowel e (ee, ea), long vowel o (oa, ow), long vowel i ( _y, igh), long vowel u (u, ew, ue)
- r-controlled vowels: r-controlled ar, r-controlled er, ir, ur, r-controlled or, ore
- Variant vowels & Diphthongs: variant vowel short oo, variant vowel long u (oo), diphthong ow, ou, diphthong oi, oy,
- Other vowels: complex vowel /aw/: aw, all, long i and o (ie, oe), long e (y, ey, ie, ei)
2nd grade Phonics Skills Included:
- CVC short vowel
- closed syllables, closed & consonant + le syllables
- blends: l, r, s, blends, final blends
- open syllables, open & consonant + le syllables
- digraphs: sh, ch, tch, th, wh, _ng, ph
- final e: a_e, o_e, i_e, u_e, e_e
- final e syllables
- Vowel teams: long a (a, ai, ay), long e (e, ee, ea, y, ey, ie, ei), long o (o, oa, ow, oe), long i (i, igh, y, ie), long u (u, ew, ue)
- vowel team syllables
- r-controlled vowels: r-controlled ar, r-controlled er, ir, ur, r-controlled or, ore
- r-controlled syllables, r-controlled & consonant + le syllables
- variant vowels & diphthongs: variant vowel short oo, variant vowel long oo, diphthong ou, ow, diphthong oi, oy
- complex vowel /aw/ (au, aw, alk, alt, all)
- vowel team syllables: diphthongs & variant vowels
- review six syllable types
- other final stable syllables: -ture, -sure, -ion, -tion, -sion
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