More About This Resource
Strengthen Kindergarten and first-grade students’ phonemic awareness skills with these Science of Reading-aligned, weekly phonemic awareness lesson plans. These NO PREP lesson plans focus on the phonemic awareness skills that make the biggest impact: segmenting, blending connecting graphemes to phonemes & isolating sounds.
This YEAR LONG curriculum includes everything you need to get started with phonemic awareness in your kindergarten and first grade classroom including: a phonics scope and sequence, weekly lesson plans, student screeners, data trackers for ongoing progress monitoring, and picture card mats for word mapping! These lessons allow students to begin connecting phonemes to graphemes immediately. Use them as a warm-up in your small group to build foundational phonemic awareness skills!
This resource includes Beginning of the Year Student Screeners & Assessments so you know exactly where in the scope & sequence you should start with each student. Continually track student data for ongoing progress monitoring with the included class data trackers. The weekly lesson plans walk you through exactly which skills to teach & provided picture word mats build in opportunities for students to immediately connect phonemes to graphemes through word mapping.
*Note: there are some lessons that overlap between Kindergarten & First Grade for a total of 55 unique weekly lessons. I have discounted this bundle to reflect this as well!
Included in this resource:
55+ weekly lesson plans *Note there are some lessons that overlap between Kindergarten & First Grade for a total of 55 unique weekly lessons
165 picture word mats
53 grapheme cards
Beginning of the year Student Screener & Assessments
Data Trackers for ongoing progress monitoring
Teacher information & research on best phonemic awareness practices
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